Name: Katie Engelhart

Contact Information:

Regions Served: Ithaca, Trumansburg, and Tompkins County

Type of Doula: birth & postpartum

General Structure of Doula Services:
Depending on your needs and preferences, we build a plan and relationship together that is flexible and supportive. If working with me prenatally towards your birth, we spend several visits together (usually around 3) to discuss birth wishes and plans, share information and local resources, and anything else you may need. If working with me during the postpartum period (either included in your prenatal/birth contract or separately contracted postpartum hours) we still build a relationship that is flexible and supportive with a more refined focus on meeting your needs while you care for and bask in the postpartum period. Typically, this is 1-2 visits, or separately contracted hours.

Why are you a Doula?
I came to this work through my own birth experiences. I've had two babies, one in 2020 and one in 2023. Both births led me here. My first son’s birth was long and difficult while my second son’s birth was joyous and healing. I had amazing support throughout both, which inspired me to carry birthwork on for others.

Cornerstone Birth Trainings - Prenatal, Birth, and Postpartum
Full Spectrum Lactation Educator
200 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher

Fee Structure:

You may qualify for free/low cost doula care and still work with me through Doula Access Initiative!

Basic Birth Package

Includes (but can be tailored to your individual needs):

Two prenatal visits: These typically last 1-2 hours each, sometimes more and I come to your home or we meet in a central location. Our focus is primarily on your birth plan, what you envision for your birth experience, mental health prep, physical prep, baby prep, and more. We get to know each other in a meaningful way so that when the day arrives, there is a fundamental understanding of one another. 

Birth & immediate postpartum recovery: This is the majority of our time together. I will attend your birth, wherever that may be and however long it may be, as well as plan to stay ~2 hours after baby is born. (This can vary depending on your wishes.) During your birth, I support you by field questions between medical staff and you, explain your wishes and wants to medical staff, make sure you feel heard and understood. Often, our time together is long. So we try different labor positions, different ways to move and cope with labor, and more. I am there to help both of you. 

One postpartum meeting: This visit lasts between 2-4 hours. I will visit your home 1-2 days after you return home. If you're birthing at home, I visit the second or third day. This is a hugely supportive visit where we talk and process your birth, troubleshoot any baby problems (feeding, sleeping, etc) and provide resources you may need.

Add ons:

Extra postpartum visits — $25/hour 

Private prenatal yoga — $25/hour